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Alie’s Fund:
Alie’s Fund provides funds to support children, teens, and young adults who live with MS (ages 2-22). These funds are aimed at helping defer medical and educational costs, counseling and other needed services. To find out more specifically, please connect with an MS Navigator (details in the link).

Scholarship Resources:
Visit this website for information on all sorts of scholarships and financial assistance resources, including several private scholarships/assistance programs directly focused on those affected by MS.

Online/Social Media Connections
Some of the popular Facebook groups for local teens and young adults include: Friends Against the MonSter, Teens with MS, and Oscar’s MS Champions.

Additionally, Oscar the MS Monkey offers several private facebook groups for kids and teens with MS- Oscars MS Warriors (under age 12), Oscars MS Conquerors (13-19) and Oscars MS Champions (20+).

The National MS Society’s site is a centralized way for those affected by MS, regardless of age, location & disability level, to connect with others from their smartphone or their home computer. More information about the site can be found at Interested individuals need to create an account to access the groups and begin connecting with others on the site.

Teens and 20’s Family & Friends Group
A connection group for teens and young adults in their early 20’s with MS, and their family & friends. Meets quarterly at the Waltham NMSS Office. Details can be found on the group’s NMSS Website Page.

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